
Crafting Purpose-focused Food & Lifestyle Brands

Google Says Go Mobile or Get Lost


Google announced recently that it would implement new search algorithms that give priority to websites that are smartphone ready or optimized for mobile through “responsive design.”

mobile friendly responsive web design

Starting April 21, Google says that mobile phone or smartphone users searching for information via Google.com will be shown first the sites that are designed to present information differently on mobile phones. Sites that have a mobile alternative or sites that “respond” by presenting web content optimized for a smaller screen will get a boost in the rankings.

This change only applies to search rankings when the user is searching Google.com via a mobile device, defined at this point as a smartphone. It apparently will not apply when the user is searching via an iPad or other tablet device.

Google-mobile-friendly-searchWhile your experience may differ when you look at the visitor data for your organization’s or company’s website, the use of smartphones and tablets to explore the Internet has exceeded the use for laptop or desktop computers for more than a year.

You probably already know, but if you are uncertain if your website is mobile-friendly, use Google’s Mobile-Friendly Testing Tool.

Bottom line… if your competitor has a mobile-friendly site, he or she will be found before you if your website is not mobile-friendly, regardless of the quality of your competitor’s content or service or organization.

Give us a call if you’d like to learn more about optimizing your website and web content for mobile.